Christmas events playing in groups of 6
Last Christmas Concert for Weymouth Concert Brass for 2020
Carols on Your Doorstep Wyke Regis
Playing on the Promenade and at the Nothe Fort
At Weldmar Hospicecare a sextet of the band were filmed playing a selection of carols for their virtual service.
You can watch their virtual service on their Facebook and YouTube channels from 6:30pm on Tuesday 8th December. Link
Another sextet played carols at the Lugger Inn for their Christmas Market
Just before lockdown the Band trying some of the inside venues to practise
Fantastic Sunday afternoon at Lodmoor
Weekend playing at Lodmoor in October
Evenings are getting darker in October for playing
Making the most of good September weather with our small group playing in the open mainly in the morning or afternoon at the weekends evenings are getting darker The latest photos taken on a warm sunny late September day
The weather change for the better so more quintet playing on Thursday evening
Weymouth Concert Brass are practising together again in groups of 5 or 6 after a relaxation of social distancing
Two groups of six playing at lodmoor and one group playing at All Saints Wyke
Message from the Band
We love music and we love our band, but we will be following further guidance issued by BBE. Until further notice we have cancelled rehearsals, engagements and committee meetings. If you have an engagement booked with us, our Secretary will be getting in touch with you to discuss any options to re-book.
These are strange times and we're missing being in the bandroom. We hope all of our followers, friends and family are safe and well. We'll get through this together.
Weymouth Concert Brass made the difficult decision not to compete in the 2020 West of England Regional Finals of the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain due to the age range of their members and the advice of BBE.
The week before the contest the band played the test piece Endurance at the Weymouth Music Festival. The months of practising under Helen Brind and Keith Aspin on the test piece ensured the band gave a very good performance .
Adjudicator comments
: ''a very impressive account of this demanding competition piece. The professionalism was clearly evident and the 'narrative' vividly delivered. One could sense the level of concentration and determination! Isolated bits of intonation could be tidied, along with occasional entries and speed changes. There was some very accomplished solo playing in all sections; good ensemble, blend and overall technical competence. Thrilling crescendo at the piece's climax''
Some members of the band having a midday lunch after the Music Festival